I am pleased to have co-authored this article with Barbara Stallings, «Latin American Scholars Home In On Relations With China», in Global Perspectives (2023)(4)(1) out this week. We analyze major trends in Latin American scholarship in the areas of Economics, Socio-Environmental Impacts, and Geopolitics, and suggest priorities for future research. Hope it is of interest!
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Thrilled to see the Chinese edition of this book written together with Anthony Bebbington, Abudul-Garafu Abdulai, Denise Humphreys Bebbington and Marja Hinfelaar. Governing Extractive Industries. Politics, History, Ideas was translated by our friend and colleague Dr. Weijun Xie, and published by the prestigious University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) press. It will soon be available
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I recently had the honor of writing the first in a new Wilson Center series on “medical diplomacy” in Latin America, the region hardest hit by COVID-19. In this article I I examine the geopolitical implications of China’s robust pandemic response. The article outlines Beijing’s timely, strategic, and significant contributions to Latin America’s COVID-19 response,
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¿Nuestras relaciones oficiales con la China se estrecharán más en este contexto o nos vamos distanciando en la medida que cerramos fronteras y nos concentramos en la situación local? Una breves reflexiones nuestras sobre las relaciones China – América Latina en el contexto actual. En la nueva edición de Punto de Equilibrio, publicación histórica del CIUP
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I am pleased to announce the publication of this new book, La Fundación Ford y el cambio social en América del Sur, 1962 – 2012, in digital form and open access, the result of a longer-term research project conducted with outstanding co-authors in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and the US, and co-edited with my colleague
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Contenta de anunciar la publicación de este libro, en forma digital y de acceso abierto, producido con co-autores de lujo en Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Perú y EEUU, y co-editada con mi colega Alejandra Villanueva. Durante la mayor parte del Siglo 20, la Fundación Ford fue la entidad filantrópica mas grande de EEUU y con mayor
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Proud to be included in this wonderful new edition of ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2018, dedicated to Latin America and Asia. In addition to my note, «From Extraction to Construction«, there are fascinating articles by many friends and colleagues, including Guo Jie, Latin America expert at the School of International Studies of
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Two recent articles highlight research on the social and environmental safeguards of Southern development banks (banks from China, Brazil, CAF and IDB), undertaken by colleagues at Boston University´s Global Development Policy Center, the Universidad del Pacífico, FLACSO – Ecuador and INSEAD – Bolivia. Kevin Gallagher and Rebecca Ray lead this project from BU, and the UP
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Comparto el primer documento de trabajo producido por un estudio multi-anual e interdisciplinario, sobre el papel de los bancos de desarrollo «Sur – Sur» en la Amazonía Andina. Proyecto que incluye a colegas del Global Development Policy Center de la Universidad de Boston, de la Universidad del Pacífico en Peru, FLACSO Ecuador y el Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo
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New publication: «Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the longue durée in Africa and Latin America»
I am pleased to share this new working paper by Anthony Bebbington, to which I had the honor of contributing, together with fantastic colleagues Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai from Ghana, Marja Hinfelaar from Zambia, and Denise Humphreys-Bebbington from the U.S.. Entitled Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the longue durèe in
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