I am pleased to announce the publication of this new book, La Fundación Ford y el cambio social en América del Sur, 1962 – 2012, in digital form and open access, the result of a longer-term research project conducted with outstanding co-authors in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and the US, and co-edited with my colleague
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Contenta de anunciar la publicación de este libro, en forma digital y de acceso abierto, producido con co-autores de lujo en Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Perú y EEUU, y co-editada con mi colega Alejandra Villanueva. Durante la mayor parte del Siglo 20, la Fundación Ford fue la entidad filantrópica mas grande de EEUU y con mayor
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Latin America is the region best known for enormous inequality and the world´s fastest growth rate for billionaires. How much do they give back to their societies? A new report on this has just been published by Harvard University. Entitled From Prosperity to Purpose: Perspectives on Philanthropy and Strategic Investment Among Wealthy Individuals in Latin
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On think tanks is a blog created by Enrique Mendizabal, and an interesting space for sharing reflections across the globe, on how we do research aimed at changing policy, and/or changing minds. Recently, OTT collaborator Meghan Froehner wrote a series of posts on women in think tanks, including interviews with María Balarin of GRADE
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«You are what you eat» (Feuerbach, 1863) El 9 de abril de 2014, en la Universidad del Pacífico, presentamos una colección multidisciplinaria de ensayos titulada Comida Chatarra, Estado y Mercado, motivada por la promulgación — y posterior olvido — de la Ley 30021, o Ley de Promoción de la Alimentación Saludable para Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes.
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A comment made by billionaire Bill Gates in Spain last week has set off a lively debate in Peru about whether this country still needs foreign assistance. Gates argued that Peru is a middle income country with the resources to address its own basic needs, and that European states should focus on the poorest nations of the world. His words follow
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[blockquote source=» «]«Are the brightest minds working on the most important problems? (…) Even in the area of innovation… a lot of that focuses on the needs of the rich»–Bill Gates, M.I.T, 2010 [/blockquote] Hoy, 28 de febrero de 2012, la Universidad del Pacífico celebra 50 años dedicados a la formación de profesionales y líderes con vocación por
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(This post is for family and friends, but feel free to listen in). Mother’s Day is bittersweet this year, as my mother passed away three months ago. Although I left home at 17 and kept moving farther away, she remained a major force in my life. And although dementia began to rob her memory a
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Hoy se levantó sobre nuestro malecón el gran “regalo” que Alan García nos deja, como un testimonio a su enorme capacidad de dominar el escenario y generar alboroto entre los demás. A un lado tenemos a la Alcaldesa de Lima, quien hoy dice no tener problema con la figura de Cristo, pero considera
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