
Measuring Churner Influence on Pre-paid Subscribers Usi...

In the last decades, mobile phones have become the major medium for communication between humans. The site effect is the loss of subscribers. Consequently, Telecoms operators invest in developing algorithms for quantifying the risk to churn and to influence other subscribers to churn. The objective is to prioritize the retention of subscribers in their...

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Knowledge Tier Platform for Graph Mining in (Smart) Cit...

In the present effort, we present a knowl-edge tier platform to collect information from cities in a form of graphs. This plat-form enables people to share the information of the area where they live allow-ing them to inform about pollution, crime levels, traffic jams, streets topology, com-merces, markets, etc. The main objec-tive is to...

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Detecting Activity Zones based on Input/Output call and...

Mobile telecoms operators possess an enormous quantity of data, which could be used to reduce the cost of installing new infrastructure, to provide a better QoS or to plan their infrastructure. Thus, they are concerned to model, understand and predict SMS and calls activity levels in their infrastructures. Besides, SMS and call activities analysis...

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