In the present effort, we present a knowl-edge tier platform to collect information from cities in a form of graphs. This plat-form enables people to share the information of the area where they live allow-ing them to inform about pollution, crime levels, traffic jams, streets topology, com-merces, markets, etc. The main objec-tive is to provide information, stored in Elastic about a city to find spatio-temporal patterns using Graph Mining techniques based on Apache Spark GraphX.

Miguel Nuñez del Prado
Nuñez del Prado M., Bravo E., Sierra M., Hoyos I. and Canchay M., Knowledge Tier Platform for Graph Mining in (Smart) Cities, 3rd Annual International Symposium on Information Management and Big Data. Cusco, Peru, August 2016.
COAUTORES: Isaías Hoyo- Universidad del Pacifico. Edgardo Bravo- Universidad del Pacifico. Miguel Canchay- Universidad del Pacifico.