Prior research (Rai et ai, 2002; Seddon and Kiew, 1997) evaluates information systems in their role as information provider. In these, the impact of technology on individual performance is studied (utility ofthe system) and information quality and facility of the system are considered explanatory factors for utility. However, a system also fulfills the role of automating tasks, a role that is not recognized in the aforementioned factors. Based on the impact model by Seddon (1997) and literature about automatizatión (Kaber and Draper, 2004), this study determines the relation between automatizatión and the utility of information systems through the construct, intervention level of the system in activities of the individual. Through a questionnaire, data was collected from 24 ó users from different organizations and functional areas. Structural equations (Bentler, 198) were used for analysis. According to the results, information quality and the intervention level of the system explain utility. In the presence of these factors, the facility of the system does not affect utility. Conclusions are that the design and construction of information systems should not only concentrate on offering quality information, it is also key to automate tasks where technology shows relative advantage
Impacto de la automatización sobre el desempeño: Evaluación en sistemas de información.

Edgardo Bravo
Edgardo Bravo Orellana ; Martin Santana Ormeno ; Joan Rodón Módol ;
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia 2014, 19 (66)