Juan Lazo

Juan Lazo

Suely Noronha de Oliveira,Juan Guillermo Lazo Lazo,XIII Congreso Internacional sobre el Enfoque Basado en Competencias. Modernización de la educación y diseño curricular. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 15 a 17 de marzo de 2017.

COAUTORES: Suely Noronha de Oliveira- Departamento de Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Política de diversidad y el enfoque por competencias: El caso de las directrices curriculares nacionales para la educación escolar quilombola en el Brasil.

In 2002, the Brazilian government introduced the issue of diversity into the political debate and government programs. This is associated with new social movements, especially those related to identity that seek public and political recognition of the groups defined as «minority». Laws were thus sanctioned, emphasizing the law that makes obligatory the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture in all schools. For the quilombolas, it was a conquest, but not enough, because the law does not contemplate specific group. For this reason were formulated specific curricular guidelines, in 2012, whose function is to guide education systems in the implementation of quilombola schools. In this work a detailed analysis of the law and the guidelines is made, starting from the debate on competences, and points out alternatives in the elaboration of curricula in quilombola schools. This research was guided by qualitative methodology, with participant observation, ethnographic fieldwork, written and oral sources analysis. Although the competency approach was not considered in the preparation of the guidelines, this work proves that it is possible to make conceptual approaches that allow the construction of curricula by competences.
Keywords: Educational policy, diversity policy, competence, curriculum guidelines, quilombola communities.



