
OTUC: Observatorio de Transporte Urbano de Carga...

En ciudades cada vez más densamente pobladas, como Lima, Perú, los clientes son cada vez más exigentes y necesitan plazos de entrega flexibles, diversos puntos de entrega y trazabilidad de extremo a extremo de los envíos en función de la influencia del comercio electrónico. Esto representa una complejidad creciente para las operaciones logísticas y...

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A dynamic model for valuing flexible mining exploration...

Mining ventures are long term irreversible capital investments that operate in a highly uncertain environment and which typically present significant managerial flexibility. It is a well-known fact that due to their option-like characteristics, the value of these managerial flexibilities is not captured by traditional valuation techniques, such as the discounted cash flow method. In...

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Uncertainty Quantification in Reservoir Simulation Mode...

Polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) are used to analyze how uncertainty present in input parameters is propagated through the model to its output. The use of PCE enables the representation of the outcome of a given model as a polynomial, created by a function basis that depends on the probability distribution of the input variables...

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Automation And Substitution Of Human Knowledge: Assessm...

Industrial psychology sets forth that human knowledge has an impact on performance. Literature on information systems proposes that usefulness of an information system also contributes toperformance results. An economic approximation suggests that people and technology are substitutable factors to produce outputs. This study focuses on analysing the substitution effect between people (based on their...

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