Peru´s Economy and the Asian Connection



I recently participated in an interesting event entitled Reaching Across the Pacific: Latin Ameria and Asia in the New Century, hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC. The purpose of this conference was to examine the experiences of diverse countries in our region, from Argentina and Brazil to Peru, Chile and Mexico, and their relations not only with China but also Japan, Korea, and other Asian nations.   The paper I presented was co-authored with my colleague, Alexis Yong, and is still a draft.  We are fairly optimistic about Peru´s expanding relations with Asia, although we also stress that the private sector has been doing most of the work thus far, and that Peruvian policymakers need to make stronger efforts to help diversify trade and investment with these partners. Here is a brief Spanish summary and video of the presentation​.


(Foto: Patricia Castro Obando​).