ILO 169 and Prior Consultation in Peru: Getting it Right?

The latest edition of Americas Quarterly is dedicated to the challenges to implementing ILO Convention 169 in Perú, Colombia, Chile and Guatemala.   Alvaro Paredes and I were honored to contribute a short article on the Peruvian case:  Sanborn Paredes Consulta Peru.  Shortly we will be publishing a broader research report on this complex issue.  
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Peruvian Textile Workers, Past and Present (English version)

​ The Peruvian government has recently received letters from major transnational apparel companies and trade unions, criticizing the working conditions in this country´s textile industry, and especially a legal regime that allows very short term contracts for workers and discourages unionization. Spokespeople for the government and the industry argue that such flexibility is necessary to maintain global competitiveness
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Los (y las) trabajadores textiles, ayer y hoy

​ Recientemente, el gobierno peruano ha recibido cartas de empresas y sindicatos transnacionales criticando las condiciones de trabajo en nuestra industria textil, y especialmente el régimen laboral que permite la contratación por periodos cortos y sin derecho a la sindicalización. Voceros del gobierno y empresarios del sector argumentan que esta flexibilidad es necesaria para mantener la competitividad y seguir generando empleo.  Critican a estos actores transnacionales
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International Women´s Day: Remember Diallo?

​​ On March 8, International (Working) Women´s Day, I read this notable followup on the situation of Nafissautou Diallo, the hotel maid who was apparently sexually assaulted by powerful former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (see prior post).  None other than the famous defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz, has reviewed the evidence and finds the woman´s case most persuasive.   The reasons are
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Racismo y responsabilidad

Realmente notable la rapidez con la cual una denuncia en las redes sociales se convirtió en una campaña nacional de solidaridad con el ciudadano Ricardo Apaza, por un trato discriminatorio recibido en el Cine UVK Larcomar.  En solo 24 horas, miles de ciudadanos se han solidarizado con su causa, como también la Ministra de Cultura, Gastón Acurio, Jessica
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